
Technical Skills

  • Programming languages: Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Tools and technologies: Git, VSCode, Jupyter notebooks, Google colab, SQLite, SQL
  • Python modules: pandas, numpy, matplot lib, pygame, pyQt5, TensorFlow
  • Graphics editing software: Adobe Fireworks, Adobe InDesign

Soft Skills

  • Problem-solving: Able to identify and analyse complex problems and develop effective solutions.
  • Analytical thinking: Skilled in breaking down complex problems into smaller components and analyzing each component to find potential solutions.
  • Time management: Able to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and efficiently use time to balance academic studies, work, and a boot camp.
  • Attention to detail: Keen eye for catching small errors or bugs, and ensuring code accuracy and efficiency.
  • Adaptability: Willingness to learn and adapt to new tools, technologies, and languages.
  • Communication: Effective communication of complex technical information to a variety of audiences, including students, colleagues, and stakeholders.
  • Creativity: Skilled in graphics editing and video editing, indicating a strong creative skill set that can be applied to other areas of work.

Non-Soft Skills

  • Presenting: Able to deliver engaging and informative presentations to a variety of audiences.
  • Training: Skilled in providing effective training to colleagues and students.
  • Leadership: Ability to lead teams and projects towards success.
  • Teamwork: Experienced in collaborating with team members to achieve shared goals.